“Start from the end” is known as a goal-oriented approach. It does not contradict with a “personalized, student-centered” approach. Both can work together and reinforce each other, for example, in our Job-oriented, Student-centered Adaptive Deep Learning-Authoring Platform, www.itutorsoft.com
First, a Hiring Manager is supposed to specify the job down to specific tasks, performances, and competencies. Manual specification is very labor consuming and error-prone. Our Authoring tool can significatly simplify this process, save, display, and verify current results, as well as assure quality of outcome.
Second, the detailed job specification (tasks, performances, and competencies) can be used by Instructional Designers as a scaffolding for design of authentic curriculum, courses, and lessons, including interactive multimedia, VR, AR, and a real work place, which altogether assure backward knowledge transfer to competencies. Such design is supported by our Authorng tool as well.
Third, Learners are welcome to study those curriculum, courses, and lessons preferably by using our Personalized Adaptive Deep Learning Engine, which assures high efficasy and learning success.
Fourth, Learners get hired by that Hiring Manager.
iTutorSoft will be happy to help you with tools and getting started.